Sollerus Rottweiler Puppies
Here at Sollerus, we only breed when we want to keep something for ourselves. This means we do not breed very often and you need to be prepared to wait.
Our pet puppies are sold on a limited registration with the Australian National Kennel Council (not for breeding or showing). Limited registration doesn't mean you are getting a lesser quality puppy, it's that we only sell full registration dogs to ANKC state body members/breeders.
Based on your answers to our 'Puppy Questionnaire' about your personal situation, in conjunction with information from phone conversations, we decide which homes are the best match for each puppy combined with watching interactions with prospective families when they come to visit. With our experience, we feel best qualified to select the puppy for his/her new home. We are with our puppies from birth and know their personalities and temperaments better than anyone.
We care about where our puppies go and like receiving updates on their progress. 'Our puppies' need to be part of your family - with love, care and training, your dog will be a loyal devoted companion. Most of all, when you purchase a Sollerus Rottweiler, you have our support for the life of the dog – we’re only an email or phone call away.
When you take home a Sollerus Rottweiler puppy, you will receive:
- ANKC registered pedigree (in the buyer's name/s)
- Vaccination and worming certificates
- Microchip registration
- Tubal ligation/vasectomy certificate
- Sollerus Rottweilers puppy book - containing information on feeding, raising and training your dog/puppy
Here's some additional information to give you a better understanding of the general process on how our puppy application process works.
- What is your application process?
At some point a puppy buyer will make contact with us. Our preference is always to receive a phone call, alternatively an email with some information about yourself/family is always a great introduction. Text messages don’t translate well, especially when the first/only questions is “how much are your puppies?”. We also like meeting prospective families, so will generally invite you to our home, or organise to meet up at a dog show. We will forward a copy of our Puppy Questionnaire, this information is used in conjunction with information from meeting you and our phone conversations, in selecting the puppy we feel would best suit your family/home.
Once mated, we will confirm pregnancy (via ultrasound) at 28 days post mating. At this point, we’ll be in contact to either confirm we’re expecting puppies, or, if the mating was unsuccessful. If there are no puppies, we make plans to try for the next season. If we have puppies on board, our next milestone is their impending birth!
When the puppies are born, we will advise everyone via email and FB. The first few weeks, are somewhat a blur of sleep-deprivation and delirium….. so please be patient, we will post updates via FB. We have quite a few milestones to achieve before we start to think about allocating puppies to families.
When the puppies are approx. 2-3 weeks of age, and we’re confident they are strong and healthy, we will ask for deposits from those successful families. At this stage allocations are based on gender only. We’ll also send you a copy of our sales agreement, outlining the terms of sale. An executed copy of this will be provided on the day puppy goes home.
At 7 weeks of age, the puppies will have their 1st vaccination and vet check. We will also have family visits this week. After we’ve selected OUR puppy, we’ll let the everyone know which puppy is theirs.
At 8-9 weeks of age, puppies will have their tubal ligation/vasectomy procedure before preparing to leave for their new homes! - Can we go on your waiting list?
Once we receive your completed puppy questionnaire, we’ll add your details to our list. Completing our Puppy Questionnaire in no way guarantees you a puppy. It is only the beginning of the selection process. Puppies will not be placed into any home, where communications have only been via email/messenger or text. It is just one tool in the selection process. We only breed when we want to keep something for ourselves. This means we do not breed often and you need to be prepared to wait. - Can I pay a deposit now?
No, we do not take deposits until puppies are approx. 2 weeks old. - I want my puppy by ……… (insert date).
We have no control of when our girls come into season, if they conceive, or how many puppies they have. Perhaps you should continue in your search for another breeder. - I want to surprise for my partner with a puppy.
We do NOT sell puppies as ‘surprise gifts’ as a rule it does not work out well……. The purchase of a Rottweiler is a 8+ year commitment, and should not be taken lightly. Perhaps you should continue in your search for another breeder. - How do you choose between puppy buyers?
We want our puppies to have the best possible homes and select our families with this in mind. We particularly like people who I have made the effort in getting to know us/our dogs. This is not always possible, but is certainly used as a tool in selecting only the best homes. - Can you recommend another breeder?
Generally, we do not recommend other breeders. You can find a list of ANKC Rottweiler breeders listed on
our next litter is planned approx. Feb 2025!
Phone: 0421 382 203 Email:
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